Monday, September 14, 2020

Biden Okay In Person Voting for Delaware

Biden Okay In Person Voting for Delaware

IncSmart Delaware (Small Business and Startups) - Joe Biden walked into the polling booth Monday to cast his vote in the Primary Election.  Biden proved to Delaware residents that it is safe to vote in person.   Joe and his wife Jill both voted in person at the New Castle Board of Elections.  If you do not want to vote in person, order your Absentee Ballot.   #incsmart

Sunday, September 13, 2020

California Wildfires

California Wildfires

IncSmart California  (Small Business and Startups) - Lightening starts most fires in California.  The plague of fires in both Northern California and Southern California are unsettling residents.  Causes do vary as some fires are started by terrorists, but most are from lightening strikes from thunderstorms.  California Governor Newsome, Nancy Pelosi's son in law, issues a statement that said there were over 10, 850 lightening strikes in just days as the monsoon season begins.  And this number is below average.  


The Cost of Minnesota Terrorism

The Cost of Minnesota Terrorism

IncSmart Minnesota (Small Business and Startups) - The Demolition costs are skyrocketing in St. Paul and Minnesota.  The fees are causing delays in rebuilding the Twin Cities from the terrorism to the cities happening in May.  The price tag for demolition is often times higher than what the property is worth.  Attorney General Keith Ellison, still addressing claims of domestic valance has still not looked into price gauging.  At the same time his son is on the Minneapolis City Council and supports the domestic terrorism.  #incsmart

New York Exodus

New York Exodus

IncSmart New York (Small Business and Startups) - New York City neighborhoods see real estate prices dropping, with the exodus of residents to the suburbs.  The tide of violence in the city is taking it's toll.  There has been a surge in violent crime.  When the mayor stopped bail and released prisoners from Riker's Island, the city started spiraling out of control.  

Pennsylvania Real Estate

Pennsylvania Real Estate

IncSmart Pennsylvania (Small Business Startups) - New York City is in a crisis.  People are moving to Florida, but many are moving to Northeast Pennsylvania.  This cornier of Pennsylvania has never seen an increase of residents like it seeing today.  It is a sellers market.